How do I initiate a refund for a student?


Step one:

  • In the School Portal, find the student who needs a refund, go to their action center and select "initiate refund.

Enter the new tuition amount that the student needs in the "reduce to" field — this will reduce the total amount the student owes.





Step two: 

  • Once the request is submitted, Climb will send an invoice for the advanced funds. You will receive an email from with your invoice and a link to complete the refund.
  • For a full refund request, Climb will invoice for the full advance amount that was sent. 
  • For a partial refund request, Climb will calculate the new total advance as it relates to the new total tuition for the student. 
      • Example: Initial tuition amount was $10,000 with a 50% advance. Total advance amount was $5,000.
      • New tuition amount owed is $5,000. Total advance amount needs to be adjusted to $2,500. 
      • Climb will invoice for the difference in advance amounts. In this example, the invoice would be for $2,500.

Step three:

  • Log in to
  • Follow the instructions online and enter your account details to transfer the funds and complete the refund.

Step four:

  • Once the invoice has been received by Climb, our team will update the borrower's loan amount. The standard turnaround time is 1-3 business days after the invoice is processed.


Example invoice:




Have questions about our refund process? Reach out to our team at!

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