What does each application status mean?

Applications — all applications that have been submitted

Table Definition

Status and Next Steps to Funding

In progress

Applications that have not received an application decision from Climb. Climb will request more information to verify the student's application.

This can include:

  • Verify SSN
  • Provide proof of residency
  • Provide proof of income
  • Missing docs - student or co-borrower need to provide information to Climb
  • Under review - all documents have been submitted and Climb is reviewing
  • Processing - Climb is reviewing the application
  • Pre-approved - Climb can likely approve but is still reviewing information
 Approved Student has been approved by Climb and has yet to accept their loan terms by signing loan documents
  • Expires in X days - the amount of time remaining for the student to accept their Climb offer


Application has been approved and the Climb offer has been accepted

  • Cancellation period - we are within the student’s legal cancellation period
  • Enrollment period - we are within the student’s drop period (the time between enrollment and funding set by your school and Climb) or the program has not yet started
  • Request pending - there is a request outstanding on the loan
  • Ready to verify - student can be funded pending verification by the school
  • Verified - students who have been verified but are not yet funded
Ready to verify

All of the applications that are ready to be verified by the school prior to funding

  • Ready to verify - student can be funded pending verification by the school
All applications

All applications that have been submitted

Includes all of the statuses above and applications that have been closed out:
  • Incomplete - students who never completed their application
  • Dropped - students who ended up dropping the class before their loan got funded
  • Declined - students who decided not to accept the Climb offer
  • Re-apply with co-borrower - students who were denied

Enrolled — all students who are enrolled in Climb financing

Status Definition
Fully funded Student has been funded but repayment data has not begun yet
Partially funded For multiple disbursement loans only, a portion of the student’s loan has been disbursed but repayment data has not begun yet
On track Students who have been funded and are on track with repayment
Past due Students who have been funded and are behind on repayment
Refund initiated School has requested a refund on a funded student and is in the process of being reviewed by the Climb team
Refund processing Climb is in the process of adjusting the student’s balance but may be waiting on funds to be returned from the school
Collection Student has been placed in collections
Verify standing: on track For multiple disbursement loans only, the next portion of the student’s loan is ready to be verified and student is on track with payments on previous disbursements
Verify standing: past due For multiple disbursement loans only, the next portion of the student’s loan is ready to be verified and student is past due with payments on previous disbursements

Archived - students whose payments are complete or whose applications are inactive

Table Definition Status
Payment complete Student has completed payments or the balance is $0
  • Complete - Paid in full: all payments have been made
  • Complete - Canceled: the loan has been canceled and the balance is $0
  • Complete - Compromised: the balance is $0
  • Uncollectible - The loan has been charged off and payments are no longer being collected
Archived Applications that are inactive
  • Incomplete - students who never completed their application
  • Dropped - students who ended up dropping the class before their loan got funded
  • Declined - students who decided not to accept the Climb offer
  • Re-apply with co-borrower - students who were denied
  • Offer expired - student was approved but did not accept their offer in time


All Students — every application record


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